Michael Hollander, room with movable levels, New York, c. 1970.
From: 'Design and architecture for flexible dwelling'
Vitra Design Museum, 2002 ©
isbn 3-931936-35-X
This picture associates with the story of Kinokast.
It is in 1993 that I created Kinokast, my long-cherished home documentary film making 'studio'. The name came to me as the definition for a new enterprise: mixing the audiovisual and installations art.
One catchphrase conveniently summed up and sharpened up the idea at the time: 'timebased documentary-arts in a box'. Let me explain.
I'd figured out that 'Kino' stood for Motion, or Movement (from the Greek root), and 'Kast' for closet or cabinet (for the Dutch). The name had altogether a nice catch. I was on the move!