This is a short excerpt from a full cover article from UK designer Kelly, on the Game Industry addiction to technology. The article should put all your wildest dreams for 2005 into sound perspective!!!'s new year's Soapbox is a must-have!
Do not go further: Read the full article, please go to:
Soapbox: Technoholism - A 12-step Recovery Plan
Technology is great, isn't it?
In our industry, technology has driven massive progress and financial returns, the likes of which were undreamt of 20 years ago. From 'rumble packs' and EyeToy-s to 3DFX cards and analog pads, we are blessed with the fruits of a golden age of, well, stuff. We have come to rely on technology. We await new formats, new capabilities and new toys with something approaching high;
But there is a dark side to techno-love. We have come forward leaps and bounds in hardware, but the software lacks far behind. The industry, especially in the console and handheld sectors, remains immature and hardware-led. Games are now much more expensive to develop. Geometric cost rises are not matched by equally geometric rises in sales.
Creative game content is not evolving, and release schedules increasingly carry the whiff of déjà vu.